8 Simple Skin Care Routine For The Summer Season

Sunscreen | Moisturize | Lighter makeup | SPF makeup | Exfoliate | Self-tan | Sun-protective clothes | Wash Sparingly | Takeaway Summer is a time for beach days, pool parties, and vacations. It’s also a great time for a skin care makeover. Longer hours of daylight and hot, dry, or humid weather can affect ourContinue reading “8 Simple Skin Care Routine For The Summer Season”

Tips for Caring for the Skin Around Your Eyes

When to show your dark side It doesn’t take much. A later-than-usual night out, a high pollen count, or an episode of “This Is Us” can produce that raccoon-eye look or bags under our peepers. You can just embrace the bags and your dark side. And as you follow our guide, you’ll discover some peopleContinue reading “Tips for Caring for the Skin Around Your Eyes”

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